Apasampradayas – Deviant Vaisnava Sects


Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura identifies thirteen apasampradayas that split away from the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya after Lord Caitanya’s disappearance: aula, baula, kartabhaja, neda, daravesa, sani, sahajiya, sakhi-bekhi, smarta, jati-gosani, ativadi, cudadhari and gauranga-nagari.

These apasampradayas (apa means deviated) are like parasitical growths upon the great tree of the sankirtana movement. Because they exhibit all the defects of material conditioning, they are spiritually useless. The rasa relished by such groups is termed prakrta-rasa by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. Their missionary activities are condemned as cheating.

Indian print, 83 pages, 3 EUR + postage

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