Modern Music

Here you will find Suhotra Maharaja’s lyrics accompanied with modern music released in 1992 under the name STICK OF SAFFRON. You can also listen to few other songs which didn’t appear on the original audio cassette (Four Young Brahmanas, In Matter, Modern Hygiene, The Universe).

STICK OF SAFFRON – Treasure Island

There were also other versions of these songs remixed in 1992-93 plus some other which were published under the names.

WINTER AGE (Remixes & Bootlegs) 1992-93


A letter from Suhotra Swami to the book-distributors, dated 30 November 1992:

“Accompanying this letter you will find a tape casette of songs recorded by me in the ISKCON music studio in Copenhagen, Denmark. There are several songs by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, two songs written by myself a long recording of Hare Krsna kirtana music.

The devotees who have heard this tape like it very much. B.M. das, the manager of the North European BBT, thinks a few of these songs could be marketed in the professional music industry! I can recall from my days on book distribution in America how important bhajan and kirtan music was to me for inspiration. So I dedicate this casette to your 1992 Srila Prabhupada Christmas Marathon distribution efforts. Please hear it and become inspired to distribute more of Srila Prabhupada’s books than you ever have during any Christmas Marathon!

Happy Christmas Marathon! Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay! Book Distribution Ki Jay!”