ISKCON Budapest, Hungary
17 June 2003
Their Divine Lordships Sri Sri Dayal Nitai Vijaya Gauranga,
who preside over scenic Budapest from Their temple in the Huuvoesoelgy
("Cold Hills") on the outskirts of the city.
A warm Vaisnava welcome. Such is the hospitality sannyasis are
greeted with at the Budapest temple. Cold Hills, warm hearts. I arrived
on 14 June. |
Sunday feast lecture. Vaikunteshvari dd, one of my first disciples,
is translating.
The devotees and guests listen attentively. The temple may be
in the Cold Hills, but the programs are well-attended. |
Monday afternoon I gave a lecture at Govinda's Restaurant in
downtown Budapest. Entering this door, one walks downstairs to below
street level into an extraordinarily large place. |
The so-called meditaton hall in Govinda's is a spacious facility
for devotional programs. This hall is about one-third the total space
in Govinda's; the rest is for regular restaurant activity (cooking,
table service, boutique). |
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