
newly discovered entries of In2-DeepFreeze       First Generation Animations

Kolhapur, Maharastra, 7 January 2003 "In 1978 I had an extremely vivid dream of Srila Prabhupada."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 9 January 2003 "THE SECOND TIME I MET SRILA PRABHUPADA"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 10 January 2003 "Yesterday I wrote:"I should not try to enjoy my relationship with the spiritual master."
En route to Belgaum, Maharastra, 10 January 2003 "From From Imperfection, Purity Will Come About by HH Satsvarupa dasa Gosvami"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 14 January 2003 "At shortly before 7:00 PM, Madhu Puri and I arrived by car in Kolhapur from Belgaum."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 16 January 2003 "While in Belgaum, I stayed at the palatial home of a wealthy and very pious businessman named Mr. Katwa."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 17 January 2003 "Back to the fifties"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 18 January 2003 "Srila Prabhupada Lilamrta Ch 17 takes us to the Bowery in New York City, where in 1966 Srila Prabhupada shared a loft with a young man named David Allen."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 20 January 2003 "HOW I ALMOST MISSED MY INITIATION"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 20 January, 2003 "Doubt is one of the important functions of intelligence; blind acceptance of something does not give evidence of intelligence."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 21 January 2003 "When I was born my father was in the U.S. Air Force."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 22 January, 2003 "Big Bertha from Berlin has this to say"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 23 January 2003 "Ideal Qualities, from Ramayana Ayodhyakanda Chapter One"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 24 January 2003 "What hope is there then, when our gaining ideal qualities seems but a hopeless dream?"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 25 January 2003 "Cc Adi 4.130: yaha haite sunirmala dvitiya nahi ara, tathapi sarvada vamya-vakra-vyavahara. TRANSLATION: Nothing is purer than Her love. But its behavior is always perverse and crooked."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 26 January 2003 "This is Paul Wexler, a Hollywood actor who played in movies and TV from the 1950s into the 1970s."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 27 January 2003 "Syamasundara Prabhu, speaking in the Srila Prabhupada Memories video series, part 27, has this to say about the hippie culture of the Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco during the 1960s:"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 28 January 2003 "Listen! Visnujana Maharaja is singing"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 29 January 2003 "RD TSKP DARSHAN WITH SRILA PRABHUPADA IN NEW YORK 1973!"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, 31 January 2003 "The Bhagavat Dharma Discourse in New Vrindaban, September 1972, was the high point of my life in terms of personal association with Srila Prabhupada."

Nigadi, Maharastra, 6 February 2003 "Madhu Puri Prabhu and I left Kohlapur on 1 February; since then we've not stayed long at any place."
Chowpatti (Mumbai) Sri-Sri Radha-Gopinatha ISKCON Mandira, 9 February 2003 "I'm speaking to students of the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology."
 Sant Nagar, Delhi, 12 February 2003, "After a 17-hour overnight train ride, Madhu Puri and I arrived in Delhi yesterday."
Sant Nagar, Delhi, 14 February 2003 "Lord Nityananda's Glories from Sri Caitanya Bhagavata by Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura"
Sant Nagar, Delhi, 16 February 2003, "Yesterday I went to Sri Vrndavana Dhama for Lord Nityananda's appearance day."
Tarunpur, Mayapur, 23 February 2003 "We arrived in Mayapur the 17th of February."

MARCH 2003
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, 4 March 2003 "Today is the anniversary of His Holiness Tamal Krishna Gosvami Maharaja's disappearance from our physical vision." 
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, 5 March 2003 "Since the end of the GBC meetings (March 1) I've been giving a class at my Tarunpur bhajan kutir between 4 and 5 in the afternoon."
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, 6 March 2003 "In January's In2-MeC I mentioned a piece of magazine fiction published in Harper's in 1951."
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, 7 March 2003 "The Gaura Mandala Parikrama begins today".
Sridhama Mayapur, 12 March 2003 "Now I shall begin a series of articles in In2-MeC on the subject of Transcendental Psychology, or the spiritualization of the mind."
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, 18 March 2003 "Today is the all-auspicious appearance day of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu."
Sridham Mayapur, West Bengal, 19 March 2003 "The entries I put into this journal about the Beat Generation, and about memories of my pre-Krishna conscious life, are in pursuance of this principle of mysticism:"

APRIL 2003
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, 4 April 2003, "Today, in a transcendental ceremony conducted by HH Bhaktividya Purna Maharaja, my dear disciple Gaura Bhagavan das graduated from his schooling in the Sri Rupanuga Vidyapitha.
Sridhama Mayapur, 5 April 2003 "Essay One, Relationship and Attachment, My humblest respects go out to all of you intelligent devotees who wish to investigate with me the subject of psychology from the point of view of Vaishnava siddhanta."
ISKCON Radha-Rasabihari Mandira, Juhu Beach, Mumbai, 12 April 2003 "There is a website-- --where you can hear over the Internet the daily Srimad-Bhagavatam class here in ISKCON Juhu."
ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai, 14 April 2003 "Beloved Vaishnava readers, now here on your computer screen is a real 'into me see' text."
ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai 15 April 2003 "In yesterday's entry to this journal, I expressed some concern that my writings here were getting logjammed because Madhu Puri Prabhu, who is in Bhubaneshwar, was not answering his email."
ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai, 16 April 2003 "Sorreeeeee...but I have to write about centipedes again."
ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai, 17 April 2003 "Attention all members of the North European CLF (Centipede Liberation Front)"
ISKCON Juhu, Mumbai, 19 April, 2003 "This is the text of a letter I wrote to a devotee named Ananda Mohana dasa who came to see me here at Juhu."
ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Sadhana Asrama, Govardhana, Sri Vrndavana Dhama, 21 - 25 April 2003 "Five days at IBSA."
Sant Nagar, Delhi, 26 April 2003, "I am now in the huge overheated city of maya that devotees jokingly call "smelly Delhi," because the air here is so polluted."
Sant Nagar, Delhi, 27 April, 2003 All flowers will droop in absences of the sun that waked their sweets.
Amsterdam, The Netherland, 30 April 2003, The KLM flight took off from Indira Gandhi airport shortly after midnight on 28 April, and landed me in Schipol-Amsterdam airport at about 6:30 AM the same day."

MAY 2003
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 05 May 2003
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 07 May 2003, "At 8:00 PM we had a program in the library of the student union at Wageningen University."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 12 May 2003, "Today is holy Ekadasi; this evening I have a university program."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13 May 2003 "Yesterday afternoon a party of six devotees plus myself drove for several hours from Amsterdam to Maastrich."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 May 2003 "Last year I took part in a quite amazing program at the Catholic University of Nijmegen."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 15 May 2003 (Nrsimha Chaturdasi) "I lectured to a gathering of philosophy students at the University of Amsterdam..."
Antwerp, Belgium, 16 May 2003 "More about Andre van der Braak "
Antwerp, Belgium, 18 May, 2003 "From a letter I received today:"
Radhadesh, Durbuy, Belgium, 20 May 2003 (Disappearance Day of Sri Ramananda Raya),"
Den Haag, The Netherlands, 26 May 2003 "Sunday Feast in Den Haag, 25 May "
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 29 May 2003 "Yesterday evening I gave a lecture at the library of the student union at the University of Leiden."
Groningen, The Netherlands, 31 May 2003, "The weather in Groningen is warm and sunny, as compared to Amsterdam."

JUNE 2003
Groningen, The Netherlands, 1 June, 2003 "...I remembered an author that similarly "hit me deep" when I was a youth. His name is Philip Wylie."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2 June, 2003 "I was just looking at HH Satsvarupa Maharaja's My Search Through Books..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 3 June, 2003 "On page 329 of Generation of Vipers, Philip Wylie wrote in 1942 of the future of technology..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 5 June, 2003 "Yesterday at 19:00 I held a program at the Govinda's preaching center in downtown Prague."
Prague, Czech Republic, 7 June, 2003,  "My Travel Schedule Through 27 July"
Prague, Czech Republic, 8 June, 2003 "Want to learn practically everything there is to know about Shaligram and Govardhana shila worship?"
Prague, Czech Republic, 9 June, 2003 "The temple arrange for the weekly feast to be held at a public hall in Zlicin, thus allowing for a larger attendance."
New Ekachakra, Abranovche (near Preshov), Slovakia 11 June 2003 "Before departing Prague for Slovakia, I visit the Nitai Bakery's production kitchen..."
New Ekachakra, Abranovche (near Preshov), Slovakia 12 June 2003 "Essay Two: A Vedic Schema of the Mind and its Processes"
ISKCON Budapest, Hungary, 17 June 2003 "Their Divine Lordships Sri Sri Dayal Nitai Vijaya Gauranga, who preside over scenic Budapest from Their temple in the Huuvoesoelgy ("Cold Hills") on the outskirts of the city."
ISKCON Szeged, Hungary, 18 June 2003, "Over these last few days, while working on part 2 of the Transcendental Psychology essay, I have also gone back and polished part 1."
ISKCON Szeged, Hungary, 19 June 2003 "Essay Two: A Vedic Schema of the Mind and its Processes, Part Two: Maha-samasti, Samasti and Vyasti: How Consciousness is Conditioned"
Timisoara, Romania, 24 June 2003 "Essay Two: A Vedic Schema of the Mind and its Processes, Part Three: Vedic Depth Psychology"
Timisoara, Romania, 25 June 2003 "Since leaving Budapest, my travels to Szeged and then to Timisoara, combined with my work on two more parts of the Transcendental Psychology series, put a delay on uploads of real-time journal reports."
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 26 June 2003 "We crossed into Yugoslavia without incident."
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 27 June 2003 "A Godbrother, who will remain nameless, writes:"
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 28 June 2003 "In this age, everyone is at best a sudra."
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 29 June 2003 "Essay Two: A Vedic Schema of the Mind and its Processes, Part Four: An Overview of the Psychology of Bhakti-yoga"
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 30 June 2003 "The original actual Reality, in all its unlimited richness, is Bhagavan Sri Krsna."

JULY 2003
ISKCON Skopje, Macedonia, 1 July, 2003 "The kings who ruled during Vedic times were great rsis."
ISKCON Skopje, Macedonia, 2 July, 2003 "In the first half of the 1800's, Charles Dawin (1809-1882) conducted a scientific investigation of the plants and animals on the Galapagos Islands..."
ISKCON Skopje, Macedonia, 3 July, 2003 "The beginning of civilization is the cultivation of food."
Sofia, Bulgaria, 4 July, 2003 "Essay Three: Further Considerations of Material Personality"
Sofia, Bulgaria, 5 July, 2003 "Rathayatra in Sofia"
 Sofia, Bulgaria, 6 July, 2003 " Srila Prabhupada said people think that when their body dies, their selves will cease to exist."
Sofia, Bulgaria, 7 July, 2003 "Skanda Purana informs us that the sacred site upon which the city of Mathura would develop was established more than 2 million years ago..."
Sofia, Bulgaria, 10 July, 2003 "A Darsana of the Divine Couple"
Timisoara, Romania, 11 July, 2003 "The material struggle is compared to carrying a heavy load on your head."
Timisoara, Romania, 15 July, 2003 "Transcendental Psychology. Essay Four: The Modes of Modernity "
New Vraja Dhama ISKCON Farm, Hungary, 17 July, 2003 "Below, some photos of my return trip through Romania and Hungary."
Lutotin Preaching Center, Czech Republic, 18 July, 2003 "Last night we stayed in the Bratislava preaching center."
Lutotin Preaching Center, Czech Republic, 20 July, 2003 "Charming Confidental Talks Between Balarama and Lord Krsna"
Lutotin Preaching Center, Czech Republic, 21 July, 2003 "120 or 180 Yrs Old? Experts Debate Limit of Aging"
ISKCON Czech Republic, 23 July, 2003 "Summer Camp Festival" at Protivanov"
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 July, 2003, "I've not written to my journal for a week."
Prague, Czech Republic, 31 July, 2003, "Vidyagati and I are leaving here today for Poland to join Indradyumna Maharaja's road show."

Polish Woodstock" Festival, Zary, Poland, 1 August, 2003 "I just arrived at the "Polish Woodstock" camp in a village called Zary..."
Polish Woodstock" Festival, Zary, Poland, 2 August, 2003 "The devotees are working so hard late into the night to put on an excellent KC festival."
New Santipur Farm, Poland, 3 August, 2003 "Acintya-bheda-abheda-tattva: Simultaneously, inconceivably oneness and difference."
New Santipur Farm, Poland, 5 August, 2003 "There are things about me that I suppose will never change."
New Santipur Farm, Poland, 6 August, 2003 "For today, August 6, we have a couple photos from here at New Santipura"
New Santipur Farm, Poland, 7 August, 2003 "The weather here in New Santipura has been stunning…"
ISKCON Wroclaw, Poland, 9 August, 2003 "Now we are in the ISKCON temple on the outskirts of Wroclaw, Poland."
ISKCON Wroclaw, Poland, 10 August, 2003 "Anger begins with folly, and ends with repentance."
ISKCON Wroclaw, Poland, 11 August, 2003, "Here's the warm-hearted devoted family that does the Internet TV broadcasts of my lectures..." je uploadovany spatny clanek
ISKCON Wroclaw, Poland, 12 August, 2003, "I was supposed to leave Wroclaw at 10:00 AM on 11th August. But I was stuck down..."
Baltic Seacoast, Poland, 13 August, 2003 "I am writing this on 12 August in Wroclaw, an hour before we are supposed to leave here."
HH Indradyumna Maharaja's Summer Tour, north coast of Poland, 14 August, 2003 "We are staying at a rented school building."
HH Indradyumna Maharaja's Summer Tour, north coast of Poland, 15 August, 2003, "Today Vidyagati, Rocana and I leave the Baltic coast for the city of Lodz..."
Lodz Preaching Center, Poland, 16 August, 2003 "I envision chanting japa to be like the spider's work of spinning a web."
ISKCON Warsaw, Poland, 17 August, 2003 "More photos... "
ISKCON Helsinki, Finland, 22 August 2003 "Blissful Scenes from Sri Krsna Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada Avirbhava Mahotsava in Helsinki, Finland"

ISKCON Helsinki, Finland, 2 September, 2003 "Sri Radha-sahasra-nama, Thousand Names of Sri Radha"
New Brahmakund, Stockholm, Sweden, 3 September 2003 "The Nectar of Srimati Radharani's Holy Name"
New Brahmakund, Stockholm, Sweden, 4 September 2003, "Concerning Some of the Dearmost Servants of Sri Radha"
ISKCON, Helsinki, Finland, 4 September 2003 "Pictures from Odessa festival 2003"
Oslo, Norway, 7 September 2003 "Concerning Some of the Dearmost Servants of Sri Radha (continued from 4. September)"
Oslo, Norway, 8 September 2003 "SRI SRI VRNDADEVYASTAKAM By Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura"
Oslo, Norway, 9 September 2003 "MUKTA CARITA (The Pearl Story) By Srila Raghunatha dasa Goswami"
Helsinki, Finland, 11 September 2003 "PREMA-SAMPUTA By Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura"
ISKCON Helsinki, Finland, 13 September, 2003 "Like Birds, These Words"
ISKCON Helsinki, Finland, 15 September, 2003 "Yesterday evening I had a look at the current issue of Fortean Times"
ISKCON Helsinki, Finland, 16 September, 2003 "Today HH Kavicandra Maharaja gave Srimad-Bhagavatam class here in Helsinki."
ISKCON Tallinn, Estonia, 18 September, 2003 "There is a stage of conditional devotional service described by Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura called taranga-rangani or "enjoying the waves."
Tallink Ferry, in the middle of the Baltic Strait, 21 September 2003, "So here we are--myself, Tattvavada and Muniraja Prabhus, and Bhakta Jani--riding a crowded ferry back to Helsinki."
Oulu, Finland, 25 September 2003, "I am living in a wooden cabin among the trees outside of the northern Finnish city of Oulu."
Oulu, Finland, 26 September 2003 "X-files"
Oulu, Finland, 27 September 2003 "Yesterday, Friday 26, I gave a talk on "the Vedic theory of knowlege" at a prestigious college in Oulu, one from which 3 presidents of Finland graduated."
Oulu, Finland, 28 September 2003, "Images from Estonia and Oulu"
Rovaniemi, Finland, 29 September 2003 "Udicim pravivesa. So one who goes to the northern side, it is to be understood he never comes back."

Oulu, Finland, 1 October 2003 "Yesterday evening I gave a lecture at the University of Lappland in Rovaniemi."
Oulu, Finland, 2 October 2003"ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam"
Oulu, Finland, 3 October 2003, "The Festival of India program last night was nice."
ISKCON Helsinki, Finland, 5 October 2003 "Pictures from Northern Finland"
Helsinki, Finland, 9 October 2003 "I just returned from Tampere, a city a couple of hundred kilometers to the northeast of Helsinki."
Helsinki, Finland, 10 October 2003 "Scientists Say Universe May Be Soccer-Ball Shaped"
Helsinki, Finland, 11 October 2003 "What follows was reported in the news on 27 July of this year."
Wroclaw, Poland, 12 October, 2003 "Everyone has heard of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."
Wroclaw, Poland, 13 October, 2003 "Today I will discuss "revolutionary morality."
Prague, Czech Republic, 15 October, 2003, "I will not be able to write for In2-MeC for the next several days."
Prague, Czech Republic, 19 October, 2003 "O Sri Sudarsana! Your great effulgence is as brilliant as millions of suns!"
Groningen, The Netherlands, 22 October, 2003 "I offer my obeisances unto the brightly shining Sudarsana Cakra, which never fails to offer all protection to the vaisnavas"
Groningen, The Netherlands, 24 October, 2003 "O Sudarsana! All the enemies of your Lord's devotees run away fearing your prowess."
Groningen, TheNetherlands, 25 October, 2003 "O Sudarsana! You are resplendent as a precious decoration on the hand of Narayana..."
Groningen, The Netherlands, 26 October, 2003 "Myself, Vidyagati, Dharmaksetra and Pitambara dd just concluded a small morning Govardhana day program here in Groningen."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 27 October, 2003 "The Darker the Weather"
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28 October, 2003 "My prayer to Srila Prabhupada today..."
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 29 October, 2003, "In 20 minutes I am leaving for the airport."

Auckland, New Zealand, 1 November, 2003 "After a looong air trip I am at last here in Auckland..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 2 November, 2003 "Taittiriya Upanisad Part Two is called Brahmavalli."
Auckland, New Zealand, 3 November, 2003 "A Segment of the Santi Parva of Mahabharata"
Auckland, New Zealand, 4 November, 2003 "A Segment of the Vana Parva of Mahabharata"
Auckland, New Zealand, 5 November, 2003 "From Canto Seven of Agni Purana: Dreams, Omens and Signs"
Auckland, New Zealand, 6 November, 2003 "Continued from yesterday..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 7 November, 2003 "Sayujya-mukti as Defined by Sripad Madhvacarya"
Auckland, New Zealand, 8 November, 2003 "All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga "
Auckland, New Zealand, 9 November, 2003 "Srila Jiva Gosvami, writing in his Priti-sandarbha, helps us to see..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 10 November, 2003 "At Padmasambhavaji's home I held a five-day seminar on Vedic Psychology from 3-7 November."
Auckland, New Zealand, 11 November, 2003 "Some of My Very Favorite Pastimes from Mahabharata Adi-Parva!"
Auckland, New Zealand, 12 November, 2003 "A Srila Prabhupada Pastime Remembered by Sruta-kirti Prabhu"
Auckland, New Zealand, 13 November, 2003 "Vaisnava Sarvabhauma Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji"
Katikati, New Zealand, 15 November, 2003, "I am now staying at a house on a hill above the town of Katikati..."
Wellington, New Zealand, 17 November, 2003 "At 7:00 this morning I flew in a cramped two-propellor airplane from Tauranga to Wellington..."
Wellington, New Zealand, 18 November, 2003 "Two Letters to In2-MeC"
Wellington, New Zealand, 19 November, 2003 "Sri Krishna Upanisad"
Wellington, New Zealand, 20 November, 2003 "Bhagavad-Gita in Essence"
Christchurch, New Zealand, 21 November, 2003 "Yesterday in the early afternoon I arrived by air in Christchurch from Wellington."
Christchurch, New Zealand, 22 November, 2003 "A Letter to In2-MeC"
Christchurch, New Zealand, 23 November, 2003 "ISKCON Christchurch is a nice temple."
Christchurch, New Zealand, 24 November, 2003 "Today I am flying back to Auckland..."
Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 November, 2003 "The Essence of God Realization in Four Verses."
Christchurch, New Zealand, 26 November, 2003 "Today I was supposed be driven by Padmasambhava Prabhu to HH Mukunda Gosvami's place..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 27 November, 2003 "Regarding Asvamedha-yajna..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 28 November, 2003 "Yesterday I began the seminar on Kalisantarana Upanisad with a yajna."
Auckland, New Zealand, 29 November, 2003 "Rather busy today."
Auckland, New Zealand, 30 November, 2003 "A mob of shoppers rushing for a sale on DVD players..."

Auckland, New Zealand, 1 December, 2003, "Meet the Girl of Your Dreams"
Auckland, New Zealand, 2 December, 2003 "What is Yogamaya?"
Auckland, New Zealand, 3 December, 2003, "Yesterday I ended the Kalisantarana Upanisad seminar..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 4 December, 2003 "Some days ago I published a letter..."
Auckland, New Zealand, 5 December, 2003 "Why There is Anything?"
Auckland, New Zealand, 6 December, 2003 "What is Mayavadi Philosophy?"
New Delhi, India, 7 December, 2003 "The Glories of Srimati Radharani"
New Delhi, India, 8 December, 2003 "Names of Srimati Radharani"
New Delhi, India, 9 December, 2003 "Sri Narada Sees Sri Sri Radha-Krsna in Vrndavana..."
New Delhi, India, 10 December, 2003, "On the afternoon of 6 December I landed in Delhi..."
New Delhi, India, 11 December, 2003 "Beta Chanting"
New Delhi, India, 12 December, 2003 "A Selection from the Sabha Parva of Mahabharata"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 13 December, 2003 "The basic aspects of prema..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 14 December, 2003 "Habit is Second Nature"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 15 December, 2003, "Being in Vrajabhumi is a most humbling experience"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 16 December, 2003 "Emily Dickenson was a poetess who lived in Amherst..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 18 December, 2003 "In the In2-MeC entry for 11 December I wrote..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 19 December, 2003 "Apology"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 20 December, 2003 "Human consciousness is capable of..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 21 December, 2003 "I came across two references in Srimad-Bhagavatam..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 22 December, 2003 "Do you know that Darwin's theory of evolution is derived from the Newtonian worldview?"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 23 December, 2003 "Some Observations on Esoteric Buddhism"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 24 December, 2003 "Christians Should Chant"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 25 December, 2003 "How Kant's Philosophy of Transcendence Degraded..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 26 December, 2003 "Chant, chant chant...Kant, Kant, Kant"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 27 December, 2003 "svarah sapta viharena..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 28 December, 2003 "Krsna Consciousness versus Reductionism"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 29 December, 2003, "Govardhana Scenes"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 30 December, 2003 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part One"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 31 December, 2003 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Two"

IBSA, Govardhana, India, 1 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Three"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 2 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Four"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 3 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Five"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 4 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Six"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 5 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Seven"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 6 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Eight"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 7 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Nine"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 8 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Ten"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 9 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Eleven"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 10 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Twelve"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 11 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Thirteen"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 12 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Fourteen"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 13 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Fifteen"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 14 January, 2004 "What the Upanisads Teach. Part Sixteen"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 15 January, 2004 "Sketches of a Devotee's Pre-Krsna Conscious Life in India"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 16 January, 2004 "Sketches of a Devotee's Pre-Krsna Conscious Life in India (contnd)"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 17 January, 2004 "Sri Garga-Samhita"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 18 January, 2004 "Here's a message of transcendental nectar..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 19 January, 2004 "Nectar from"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 20 January, 2004 "Sri Garga-Samhita (contnd)"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 21 January, 2004 "An In2-MeC Exclusive--Photos from Mars!"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 22 January, 2004 "Report from HG Jayatirtha Caran Prabhu..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 23 January, 2004 "Chicken Soup (and frogs' legs, snails, and martinis) for the Soul"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 24 January, 2004 "NASA: Spirit Rover Not Sending Data"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 25 January, 2004 "Email from a London Philosophy Student"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 26 January, 2004 "Where are the upanisads located in the Vedas?"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 27 January, 2004 "Predictions from Vayu Purana"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 28 January, 2004 "Sri Advaitastaka. Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Advaita"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 29 January, 2004 "About Bhavisya-Purana"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 30 January, 2004 "Bhavisya-Purana and the Old Testament"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 31 January, 2004 "Bhavisya-Purana and Jesus Christ"

IBSA, Govardhana, India, 1 February, 2004 "Bhavisya Purana and the Prophet Mohammed"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 2 February, 2004 "Bhavisya Purana, Lord Caitanya, Lord Jagannatha, and Srila Prabhupada's Movement"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 3 February, 2004, "I have a problem with my Internet comm link..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 4 February, 2004, "My Internet comm link..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 5 February, 2004 "The Vyasa-puja of Sri Nityananda Prabhu"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 6 February, 2004 "The Gift of Haritaki and Cardamon"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 7 February, 2004 "During the middle two weeks of the month of March..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 9 February, 2004 "Archaeological Cover-ups"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 10 February, 2004 "Redshift"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 11 February, 2004 "Welcome, dear visitors, to my e-journal..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 12 February, 2004 "Yesterday I wrote in a general way about some grave philosophical problems..."
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 13 February, 2004 "The Real Ideological Root of Terrorism"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 14 February, 2004 "A series of articles from the Internet by Alex Paterson"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 15 February, 2004 "Evidence for Creation by Outside Intervention"
IBSA, Govardhana, India, 16 February, 2004 "DARWINISM: A Crumbling Theory (Part 1)"
Delhi, India, 17 February, 2004 "DARWINISM: A Crumbling Theory (Part 2)"
Delhi, India, 18 February, 2004 "Darwin's Scorecard"
Delhi, India, 19 February, 2004 "Is There Any Science in Evolutionary Theory?"
Arriving by train in West Bengal, India, 20 February, 2004 "Recent Underwater Discoveries are Unexplainable..."
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 21 February, 2004,"I just arrived in Sridhama Mayapur..."
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 22 February, 2004 "A review of the writings of the founders of communism shows that..."
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 23 February, 2004 "Why communism is atheistic, and why it produced a holocaust"
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 24 February, 2004 "Gaura Purnima is Coming!"

MARCH 2004
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 1 March, 2004 "Only Six More Days til Gaura Purnima"
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 3 March, 2004 "Only Three More Days til Gaura Purnima"
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 5 March, 2004 "Only One More Day til Gaura Purnima"
Sridhama Mayapur, West Bengal, India, 6 March, 2004 "Sri Gaura Purnima Mahotsava Ki Jaya!"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 9 March, 2004 "Our train departed Howrah in Calcutta..."
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 10 March, 2004 "This morning at 6:00 AM..."
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 11 March, 2004 "Philosophy Seminar at ISKCON Salem"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 12 March, 2004 "Weekly TV Preaching Reaches Hundreds of Thousands in Salem"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 14 March, 2004 "Remembering His Holiness Sridhara Swami Maharaja"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 15 March, 2004 "I Knew You From the Very Beginning"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 17 March, 2004, "From the Sky"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 18 March, 2004 "Quite hot here in South India at this time..."
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 19 March, 2004 "I wrote yesterday's entry..."
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 20 March, 2004 "I made a couple more small corrections..."
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 21 March, 2004 "Dear Suhotra Maharaja..."
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 23 March, 2004 "Salem on Sunday, 21 March"
ISKCON Salem, Tamil Nadu, India, 24 March, 2004, "The Salem Philosophy Seminar Ends Today"
On the way to Mangalore, India, 25 March, 2004, "A Worm's-Eye View"
Udupi, Karnataka, India, 26 March, 2004 "After changing trains in Mangalore station..."
Udupi, Karnataka, India, 27 March, 2004 "Udupi, 26 March Afternoon"
Udupi, Karnataka, India, 28 March, 2004 "Udupi, 26 March Evening"
Gokarn, Karnataka, India, 29 March, 2004 "Gokarna Tirtha"
Gokarn, Karnataka, India, 30 March, 2004 "Ramanavami in Gokarna Tirtha"

APRIL 2004
Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 1 April, 2004 "The S.U.V. Fashion and The Quality of Ignorance in Modern Life"
Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 3 April, 2004 "Home Preaching Programs"
Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 4 April, 2004 "Morning Puja, 3 April 6:00 AM, at Prahladananda Prabhu's House"
Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 5 April, 2004 "Visit to Bhuvara Nrsimha Temple at Halsi Village, 4 April 2004"
Belgaum, Karnataka, India, 6 April, 2004 "Preaching at the Nehru Medical College, Belgaum, 5 April"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 7 April, 2004 "Sicilian Blazes Put Science to the Test"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 10 April, 2004 "Kolhapur Deity Installation and Lecture at Homeopathic College"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 11 April, 2004 "We Visit the Mahalaksmi Temple..."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 12 April, 2004 "Amazing Nrsimhapura!"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 13 April, 2004 "Preaching Programs: Kolhapur Bar Association, Kolhapur Police Department"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 14 April, 2004 "Congregational Program at Laksmi-Nrsimha Mandira..."
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 15 April, 2004 "Thinking about Dimensions"
Kolhapur, Maharastra, India, 16 April, 2004 "Thinking about Dimensions (continued from yesterday)"
Miraj and Satara, Maharastra, India, 17 April, 2004 "Let's do some Math"
Satara, Maharastra, India, 18 April, 2004 "There was an extremely miserly man..."
Satara, Maharastra, India, 19 April, 2004 "They say that whatever exists is one, being at the same time one and all..."
Satara, Maharastra, India, 20 April, 2004 "Visit to Mahabalesvara"
Pune, Maharastra, India, 22 April, 2004 "Torchlight of Knowledge"
ISKCON Chowpatti, Mumbai, Maharastra, India, 24 April, 2004 "In2-MeC Mission Statement..."
ISKCON Chowpatti, Mumbai, Maharastra, India, 25 April, 2004 "A Sense of the Future"
ISKCON Chowpatti, Mumbai, Maharastra, India, 27 April, 2004 "Of Camels in Germany, Jesus in Bombay and Reiki in Riga"
ISKCON Chowpatti, Mumbai, Maharastra, India, 28 April, 2004 "Total Mumbai Masala Slammer, Baby!"
ISKCON Chowpatti, Mumbai, Maharastra, India, 29 April, 2004 "For me, the article that follows--The Death of Socialism..."
ISKCON Chowpatti, Mumbai, Maharastra, India, 30 April, 2004 "Sayin' Goodbye to Mumbai with a Bang, Baby!"

MAY 2004
New Delhi, India, 13 May, 2004 "Pilgrimage to Shalagram (Gandaki and Muktinath). Part One"
New Delhi, India, 14 May, 2004 "Pilgrimage to Shalagram (Gandaki and Muktinath). Part Two"
New Delhi, India, 15 May, 2004 "Pilgrimage to Shalagram (Gandaki and Muktinath). Part Three"
ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Sadhana Asrama, Govardhana, India, 16 May, 2004 "I arrived at IBSA at about noon today."
ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Sadhana Asrama, Govardhana, India, 17 May, 2004 "Sri Radhikastaka"
ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Sadhana Asrama, Govardhana, India, 18 May, 2004 "Sriman Mahaprabhor-asta-kaliya-lila-smarana Mangala-stotram"
ISKCON Bhaktivedanta Sadhana Asrama, Govardhana, India, 19 May, 2004 "Srila Prabhupada told us that..."
New Delhi, India, 21 May, 2004 "Photos of IBSA"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23 May, 2004, "Gopastami Pastimes"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 24 May, 2004 ""Contradictory" Qualities"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 25 May, 2004 "The Point of it All"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 26 May, 2004 "I can't resist trying to correlate his teachings..."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 27 May, 2004 "A man came to see Srila Prabhupada."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 28 May, 2004, "Worship by Mantra-mudra"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 29 May, 2004 "Readers who are especially interested in the yajna procedure..."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 30 May, 2004 "The Faith Science Reserves for Itself"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 31 May, 2004 "In the years that Srila Prabhupada..."

JUNE 2004
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 June, 2004 "Through the next several In2-MeC entries..."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 June, 2004 "A Vaisnava is..."
Radhadesh, Belgium, 5 June, 2004 "A Vaisnava is... (ctnd)"
Radhadesh, Belgium, 6 June, 2004 "A Vaisnava is... (ctnd)"
Radhadesh, Belgium, 7 June, 2004 "A Vaisnava is... (ctnd)"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8 June, 2004 "A Vaisnava is... (ctnd)"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 9 June, 2004 "Narayana Upanisad"
Prague, Czech Republic, 11 June, 2004, "After a much-delayed arrival yesterday..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 12 June, 2004 "Worry About Adam, Not the Atom. Part 1 "
Prague, Czech Republic, 13 June, 2004 "Worry About Adam, Not the Atom. Part 2 "
Prague, Czech Republic, 14 June, 2004 "After all, all living entities are part and parcel of Krsna..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 15 June, 2004, "Sunday feast program in a public hall"
Prague, Czech Republic, 16 June, 2004 "Worry About Adam, Not the Atom. Part 3"
Prague, Czech Republic, 17 June, 2004 "For the next "while"..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 18 June, 2004 "The Secret That Rules All Things. Part 1"
Prague, Czech Republic, 19 June, 2004 "The Secret That Rules All Things. Part 2"
Takonin, Czech Republic, 20 June, 2004 "I received this yesterday from Vidvan Gauranga..."
Takonin, Czech Republic, 22 June, 2004 "Compare the nectar..."
Takonin, Czech Republic, 23 June, 2004 "From the Anubhasya commentary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura"
Prague, Czech Republic, 24 June, 2004 "From the Anubhasya commentary of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (ctnd)"
Prague, Czech Republic, 25 June, 2004 "The bad habit of mental speculation"
Prague, Czech Republic, 26 June, 2004 "Dry knowledge and Vedic knowledge"
Prague, Czech Republic, 27 June, 2004 "Smilin' Jag Welcomes You to In2-MeC!"
Prague, Czech Republic, 28 June, 2004 "Is truth a judgement of society?"
Prague, Czech Republic, 29 June, 2004 "Microcosmic mysticism"
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 June, 2004 "Intellectual rebellion against the Supreme Person"

JULY 2004
Prague, Czech Republic, 1 July, 2004 "No independence"
Martin, Slovakia, 2 July, 2004 "What is real knowledge?"
Preshov, Slovakia, 3 July, 2004 "Life beyond the modes"
Preshov, Slovakia, 4 July, 2004 "The pure land of Vrndavana is cooled by the presence of trees..."
Preshov, Slovakia, 5 July, 2004 "Are Academic Scholars like Snakes? Part One"
Preshov, Slovakia, 6 July, 2004 "Are Academic Scholars like Snakes? Part Two"
Preshov, Slovakia, 7 July, 2004 "Are Academic Scholars like Snakes? Part Three"
Preshov, Slovakia, 8 July, 2004 "An inexperienced boy may be struck with wonder..."
Budapest, Hungary, 9 July, 2004, "The journal will be interrupted..."
Timisoara, Romania, 12 July, 2004, "An ecstatic weekend in Budapest!"
Timisoara, Romania, 14 July, 2004 "Budapest Rathayatra!"
Timisoara, Romania, 15 July, 2004 "A Letter from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura"
Timisoara, Romania, 16 July, 2004 "I received this letter some days ago"
Timisoara, Romania, 17 July, 2004 "A letter from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura"
Timisoara, Romania, 18 July, 2004 "Science Faction"
Timisoara, Romania, 19 July, 2004 "A Narrative of Prema-Bhakti from South India"
Timisoara, Romania, 20 July, 2004 "Special Guest Essay: How to Think Like a Scientist"
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 22 July, 2004, "Yesterday..."
Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 23 July, 2004 "3 Photos of my 3 days in Belgrade"
Skopje, Macedonia, 25 July, 2004 "After a hellishly long auto ride..."
Skopje, Macedonia, 26 July, 2004 "Scientific Certainty. Part One"
Skopje, Macedonia, 27 July, 2004 "Scientific Certainty. Part Two"
Skopje, Macedonia, 28 July, 2004 "Scientific Certainty. Part Three"

Timisoara, Romania, 2 August, 2004 "Scientific Certainty. Part Four"
Timisoara, Romania, 3 August, 2004, "A "catch-up" photo report of my visit to ISKCON Sofia, Bulgaria"
Timisoara, Romania, 5 August, 2004 "Mail Call!"
Timisoara, Romania, 6 August, 2004 "A Letter From Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura"
Timisoara, Romania, 9 August, 2004, "In2-MeC is a "blog"..."
Timisoara, Romania, 12 August, 2004 "SB 1.2.12"
Timisoara, Romania, 13 August, 2004 "Timisoara Transcendence"
Prague, Czech Republic, 16 August, 2004, "On Saturday morning..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 17 August, 2004 "Anarchists' Convention Debates Voting"
Wroclaw, Poland, 19 August, 2004 "Many devotees try to argue with the sastras..."
Wroclaw, Poland, 20 August, 2004 "Melanism: Evolution in Action"
Wroclaw, Poland, 21 August, 2004 "When famed evolutionist Richard Dawkins was asked in a television interview..."
Wroclaw, Poland, 22 August, 2004 "A Letter from HH Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja to all Devotees"
Odessa, the Ukraine, 25 August, 2004 "ISKCON Ukraine Yatra Festival in Odessa 2004"
Odessa, the Ukraine, 26 August, 2004, "Odessa Bliss!"
Odessa, the Ukraine, 28 August, 2004 "Blessed Odessa!"

Kharkov, the Ukraine, 2 September, 2004, "Hare Krsna! I am in a commercial Internet access point..."
Kiev, the Ukraine, 4 September, 2004 "Odessa, Karkhov, Kiev"
Kiev, the Ukraine, 5 September, 2004 "Notes from Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's rendition of Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.16"
Kiev, the Ukraine, 6 September, 2004 "Sri Krsna Janmastami ki jaya!"
Kiev, the Ukraine, 7 September, 2004 "Srila Prabhupada Vyasapuja ki jaya!"
Dnepropetrovsk, the Ukraine, 9 September, 2004 "Photos from Janmastami-Vyasa Puja, Kiev 2004"
Dnepropetrovsk, the Ukraine, 11 September, 2004 "ISKCON Dnepropetrovsk"
Odessa, the Ukraine, 12 September, 2004 "With Hari Sauri Prabhu in Odessa"
Wroclaw, Poland, 14 September, 2004, "Lunch at Kaveri's"
Wroclaw, Poland, 16 September, 2004 "Notes on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's rendition of Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.20"
Wroclaw, Poland, 17 September, 2004 "Speaking of Shukavak's book..."
Wroclaw, Poland, 18 September, 2004 "Madhuvisa Prabhu remembers Srila Prabhupada"
Wroclaw, Poland, 19 September, 2004 "21 September is Srimati Radharani's Appearance Day!"
Helsinki, Finland, 22 September, 2004 "Notes on Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's rendition of Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.21"
Helsinki, Finland, 24 September, 2004 "Radhastami Scenes, ISKCON Helsinki"
Helsinki, Finland, 27 September, 2004, "Harinama Sankirtana in Helsinki, 25 September"

Helsinki, Finland, 1 October, 2004 "Preaching in Turku, Finland"
Helsinki, Finland, 3 October, 2004 "A Visit with Dr. Igor Alexeev and Family"
Helsinki, Finland, 4 October, 2004 "Mukunda-mala Stotram by King Kulasekhara"
Helsinki, Finland, 5 October, 2004, "Report from Tijuana, Mexico"
Helsinki, Finland, 8 October, 2004 "Jyvaskyla Preaching Tour, 5-8 October"
Helsinki, Finland, 11 October, 2004 "Srila Prabhodhananda Sarasvati"
Helsinki, Finland, 12 October, 2004 "Tomorrow (Wednesday 13) I fly to Stockholm..."
Stockholm, Sweden, 13 October, 2004 "Sri Skanda Purana's Sri Vasudeva-mahatmya Sri Narada's Visit to Goloka Vrndavana"
Stockholm, Sweden, 15 October, 2004 "Prathama Caitanyastaka, Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Caitanya by Srila Rupa Gosvami"
Stockholm, Sweden, 16 October, 2004 "Dvitaya Sri Caitanyastaka, Second Composition of Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Caitanya by Srila Rupa Gosvami "
Stockholm, Sweden, 17 October, 2004 "Tritiya Caitanyastaka, Third Composition of Eight Prayers Glorifying Lord Caitanya by Srila Rupa Gosvami "
Copenhagen, Denmark, 24 October, 2004 "Jaya Nimai-Nitai! Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Jaya Ekadasi Vrata!"
Oulu, Finland, 26 October, 2004 "I arrived in north Finland safely."
Oulu, Finland, 28 October, 2004 "I finished editing the 5 Transcendental Psychology articles..."
Helsinki, Finland, 29 October, 2004 "Fingerprints of the Gods"
Helsinki, Finland, 30 October, 2004 "Under the Banner of Heaven"
Helsinki, Finland, 31 October, 2004 "Tolerate Harsh Words"

Helsinki, Finland, 1 November, 2004 "Some photos from Sweden..."
Helsinki, Finland, 2 November, 2004 "I have a couple of science magazines at hand."
Helsinki, Finland, 3 November, 2004 "More about the Intelligent Design Movement (IDM)"
Helsinki, Finland, 4 November, 2004 "Icons of Evolution"
Helsinki, Finland, 5 November, 2004 "The ksudra-brahmanda (microcosmic universe of the human body) as described in Srimad Bhagavatam 7.12.25-30"
Helsinki, Finland, 6 November, 2004 "Prayers in worship of Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda"
Helsinki, Finland, 7 November, 2004 "Scientific Quotations on Darwin's Theory of Evolution"
Wroclaw, Poland, 8 November, 2004 "A letter about the 5th Canto description of the universe"
Wroclaw, Poland, 9 November, 2004 "Evolution Case Opens in Georgia Court"
Wroclaw, Poland, 10 November, 2004 "Some Photos from my Final Days in Helsinki"
Wroclaw, Poland, 11 November, 2004 "Prayers in worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna"
Wroclaw, Poland, 12 November, 2004 "You've probably seen this already..."
Wroclaw, Poland, 13 November, 2004 "Govardhana Puja Ki Jaya!"
Wroclaw, Poland, 14 November, 2004 "Govardhana Puja in Wroclaw"
Wroclaw, Poland, 15 November, 2004 "Srila Prabhupada explains his mission to today's world"
Wroclaw, Poland, 16 November, 2004, "At Dayal Candra Prabhu's home"
Wroclaw, Poland, 19 November, 2004 "University Program (Economics Department)"
Prague, Czech Republic, 22 November, 2004 "Israel Hit by Worst Locust Plague Since 1950s"
Prague, Czech Republic, 23 November, 2004 "Revision Marches to Social Agenda"
Prague, Czech Republic, 25 November, 2004, "From my postings here in the last five or seven days..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 26 November, 2004 "The isolation, the alienation, of the individual."
Prague, Czech Republic, 27 November, 2004, "I visited Balarama Restaurant yesterday."
Prague, Czech Republic, 29 November, 2004 "Maharaj, I just met my friend..."
Prague, Czech Republic, 30 November, 2004, "After I read this astonishing news story..."

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 December, 2004 "A letter of appreciation"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 December, 2004, "Lecture at a College in The Hague"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 December, 2004 "Had a recent email exchange with HG Jayatirtha Caran Prabhu."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 5 December, 2004 "In Srila Prabhupada Uvaca Srutakirti Prabhu writes..."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 6 December, 2004 "Here's some quotations written by a person who suffers from NPD..."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 7 December, 2004, "From the Net..."
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 8 December, 2004 "From Teaching of Lord Caitanya Chapter 13"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 9 December, 2004, "HH Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja Update"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 10 December, 2004 "The Lesson of Krsnadasa"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 11 December, 2004 "A story of Jesus about rasa"
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 12 December, 2004, "Letter from HH Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja"
Groningen, the Netherlands, 14 December, 2004, "Jaya Prabhupada!"
Groningen, the Netherlands, 15 December, 2004 "Krsna! KRSNA! K R S N A !!!!!"
Groningen, the Netherlands, 16 December, 2004 "The main disease in material life is the bodily conception."
Timisoara, Romania, 20 December, 2004 "I was called to Romania..."

Timisoara, Romania, 4 January, 2005 "A short note..."

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