
Please help us to maintain this website and to distribute Suhotra Maharaja’s books with Sastra Dana program.
At present we offer these methods of sending us your donations (valid as of 15th February 2024):

a) sending to our PayPal account:

b) by bank transfer in EUR
1. Payee’s account number (IBAN): CZ0455000000001017501914
2. Payee’s name: Jiri Poncar
3. Name of the beneficiary’s bank: Raiffeisenbank a. s.
4. Swift code of the beneficiary’s bank, BIC: RZBCCZPP

c) by bank transfer in USD
1. Payee’s account number (IBAN): CZ0655000000001018640561
2. Payee’s name: Jiri Poncar
3. Name of the beneficiary’s bank: Raiffeisenbank a. s.
4. Swift code of the beneficiary’s bank, BIC: RZBCCZPP

Any donation will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much and Hare Krishna,

your servant Vidyagati das