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Dear Godbrothers and sisters, my humble obeisances to You.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to Guru Maharaja !
I will continue just shortly where Muniraja pr was ending his
report some days ago.
I asked GM well before what kind of scedule He would like to have here
in Finland. The main line was that He will give one lecture/day and besides
that he is reading Srila Prabhupadas book three hours/ day, studying
sanskrit and making the puja for the silas.
I happen to see His personal scedule and it seems very tight; waken up
2.30 chanting, mangala arati, making puja for the silas and so on.
So, He has followed that plan and besides that He has given some darsans.
After festivals we all had one day just resting and reading, and He was
happy to follow the same program.
Wednesday morning the lecture was from the first canto; SB 1.16.13-15.
Although there was some misinformation regarding the verse, He smoothly
shifted to the next one.
Better I don't try to make the lecture to the sutra-form. Connected to the
verse He was telling many stories from the Mahabharata. Devotees who have
been listening His lectures with such an intensive mood said that He and His
lectures are becoming just more and more nectarian year after year. Some of
us have been sitting in His lectures here already since 1986.
Devotees are inspired to make many questions like always and He is answering
to all of them so nicely.
After that we went to have a seaside walk. I had one personal question and
the other dealing with the managerial things which I have plenty of being a
TP and RS of Fin. His answers made everything so crystal clear and
engouraged me a lot.
I always become so inspired during His visits that I can't even sleep much
during the night. Then it's good time to recall those transendental advises
and this time I become specially inspired to read again and again His latest
book: The Dimensions of G & E and specially the chapter dealing with the
moral universe.
Then we went to download His e-mail from the nearest library.
After that I still had few questions about training the new devotees and
finding the balance between the book distribution, studies and other
services. In order to avoid the bad results which come in the 80's and
90's when there was only one activity and nothing else.
He gave very nice explanations and ended it up by saying something like:
"Anyway, I made the point while giving that potato example "
As You know He has used that example already before.
You'll find it from one of the previous letters sent by Vidyagati prabhu.
These answers makes everything so clear. What would we do without
this kind of help ? !
Then He took a long japa walk and said it's good to train the muscles
around His sore knee.
After that it was time for His studies. He is reading many hours a day.
On His table there is e.g. Brahmana and Vaisnava, Light of the Bhagavata,
Prabhupada's Appreciation by Satsvarupa Maharaja, Renunciation through
Wisdom, and of course other books by Srila Prabhupada.
Many devotees, who have read His latest book were asking if He could speak on
"The Moral Universe and Beyond " on Thursday evening.
And He promised to do so.
Besides all the local devotees quite many new people came.
He brought two books with Him to the lecture: the Light of the Bhagavata and
Brahmana and Vaisnava. He said that He is reading them all the time.
So, after reading few verses we could understand that now is coming really
deep philosophy and special nectar.. And it was REALLY like that.
I never could imagine how deep consideration and sastric evidences there
were behind that kind of short chapter.
One could feel how everyone was listening so intensively like in samadhi.
Please don't think I'm overestimating, it was like that.
At the end there were so many questions made with great appreciation.
After long time He ended it smoothly and the discussion amongst the devotees
went on during the evening prasadam. They were remembering various points
and stories and that evening seemed not end at all.
One well-known academic Mr. Kimmo Ketola was also attending the lecture.
He is writing his PhD on the integration of ISKCON to the western world.
So he asked me a few questions about the siksa and diksa issues and about
the necessity of having the diksa. I answered something and was then calling
to GM and asked if He could give a little more explanation.
He agreed and they had very nice discussion on the telephone.
This researcher is often attaining GM's lectures and actually he
became intrested about our philosophy after reading Substance & Shadow many
years ago. I recorded that discussion but it's technically not good one.
Friday we went to have a massage to His knee, which become a little
sore after last day's long walk.
Afternoon Muniraja d. was driving Him to Bhrigu & his wife's apartment to take
lunch there. Bhrigu said that GM was in relaxed and jolly mood and He
stayed there about one hour.
In the evening there was lecture on BG 9.22. Again many new people came
to the lecture and that was one of those transendental moments you
better have to listen yourselves. There were so many points included and He quoted
many verses. Like the proper explanation behind what Krsna says, "what is
the use of supressing oneself" and many others. Many nice questions mixed
with one stupid one.
Saturday morning we had to leave early to catch the flight to Oslo.
Like normally, He come to the mangala araty and was sitting in the chair,
because of the knee. After that devotees made a small and sweet kirtan while
He went to the car. On the way to the airport Muniraja d was sitting at the back
Then our traditional discussion took place while on the way to the airport.
This time I presented some future projects like the restaurant and
developing the congregational support, which helps also to remove the economical
burden over the sankirtan devotees. He was happy to hear about these news.
At the airport I presented the schedule for the next weekend.
We are really waiting Him coming back from Oslo on Saturday.
Saturday night lecture, Sri Radhastami festival, other lectures,
radio & magazine interviews, and darsan with some academics..!
Like in the Bhagavatam there is said, Who could fail to become attracted...
I apologize for these quite simple descriptions done just shortly,
written while doing the traveling sankirtan here at the Finland's west coast
with Muni's trans. traveling group where more devotees are joining also
trying to make the foundation to the ISKCON restaurant in Helsinki and
giving the collage lectures at the same time.
But hopefully it shares some of this deathless nectar.
All the best
Your humble servant
Tattvavada das
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